Monthly Archives: July 2013

Engine updates

Finally been able to make the engine’s timer accurate… Now it can run a high FPS as longs as the computer supports it… Though I’m still fascinated at the way I fixed it… I only edited the variable updating part for saving the time but kept the text showing that I created to check the time to run on the same set-up but now it works really fine…

Working on an engine

So, I’ve been trying out my hand on creating my own “game engine”…

I’m starting on the unit/character scripts (setting parameters, names, etc)…

This will be for personal use when finished… Until I gain enough knowledge on how to create a GUI editor for the main parts of the game creation process… I can easily make the GUI for database items (which I’m doing right now), but for the game process itself, I don’t have the knowledge right now on how to make a GUI editor for that…